Our Program - Sarthak UK Chapter

Our Program

In India, the population of persons with disability is around 26.8 million, constituting 2.21% of India’s total population (Census 2011). However, World Bank data proposes the number between 40 to 80 million. But despite the discrepancy between the numbers, it is very clear that PwDs constitute a significant part of Indian Population. The statistics states that approximately 7.82 million people between the age groups of 20 to 39 years have some or other forms of disability owing to complications at birth, environmental issues or medical conditions.

Further, according to a survey conducted by the National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People (NCPED), the percentage of people with disability in multinational companies is as less as 0.05% of the total work force.

Although, it is a mandate for the government organizations to have 3% of the total work force reserved for people with disability, the actual percentage that is occupied accounts to only 0.54%.

Therefore, in order to have persons with disabilities brought to a healthy and equal work environment; training becomes the most important aspect of the Skill Building Program. The candidates well trained in specific trades will be able to work and perform well, thus, adding to the overall productivity of the organization as well as towards the composite GDP of the nation.

Early Intervention

Sarthak Early Intervention Program aims to ensure that children with disabilities aged (0-12) and their families receive and benefit from high quality, free of cost medical services.


Vocational Skilling

The project focuses on aspects like - Employability Enhancement (Skill Development) and Sustainable Employment (Employment Generation) of persons with disabilities.


Sustainable Employment

The dedicated Employment Support Team of Sarthak, with the support of our 2000+ hiring partners organizes Job Fairs, schedule candidate’s interviews and arrange in house



The primary focus of Advocacy in Sarthak is to spread awareness & advocacy initiatives, to create opportunities for a life of equality and dignity for Persons with Disability and their


IDEA- India Disability Alliance

India disability Empowerment Alliance (IDEA) – Capacity building is a strategy of Sarthak that helps to bridge the gap between the haves and have nots in society. It is an approach